TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
THRU: Tom Kisela, City Manager
FROM: Christopher Cash, Public Works Director
1. Subject
Authorize single source purchase and installation of four Opticom GPS Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems from DDL Traffic, Inc.
2. Summary
Emergency vehicle preemption systems are critical for reducing emergency response times, and four additional units are being proposed for deployment. Since 2012, the Orange City Fire Department has successfully relied on GPS-based emergency vehicle preemption systems manufactured by Global Traffic Technologies, LLC. The product is only available through DDL Traffic, Inc., therefore warranting a single source procurement. The single sourcing of this equipment has been previously approved by the City Council.
3. Recommended Action
Approve the single source purchase and installation of four Opticom GPS Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems from DDL Traffic, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $47,500.
4. Fiscal Impact
The expense for this purchase is $47,500 and will be funded through Fire Facilities Fees (560):
560.3021.56670.12406 Signal Pre-Emption Installation
5. Strategic Plan Goals
Goal 1: Maintain Strong Emergency and Safety Services
6. Discussion and Background
Emergency vehicle preemption (EVP) systems assist the Orange City Fire Department’s emergency response vehicles through signalized intersections by providing temporary right-of-way. When activated, the traffic signal controller assigns or holds a green light to the requesting Fire Department vehicle, allowing it to pass through the intersection. During the period when the Fire Department vehicle is given the right-of-way, all conflicting traffic is stopped via red lights, minimizing driver confusion, and reducing potential accidents at the affected intersection.
Since 2012, the City of Orange has been utilizing Opticom GPS Emergency Vehicle Preemption (Opticom EVP) equipment manufactured by Global Traffic Technologies, LLC (GTT). The Opticom EVP system, selected for its reliability and capabilities, has been previously approved as the single source EVP system for use at traffic signals throughout the City. The product is only available through DDL Traffic, Inc., therefore warranting a single source procurement. The single sourcing of this equipment has been previously approved by the City Council and this single source specification is a continuation of that policy.
To date, 101 of the City’s 158 signalized intersections have been equipped with EVP capabilities. As part of an ongoing effort to target additional intersections that would benefit from EVP, the Public Works Department, with the concurrence of the Fire Department, proposes to install EVP devices at four signalized intersections as follows:
1. Collins Avenue and Shaffer Street
2. Collins Avenue and Cambridge Street
3. Meats Avenue and Orange-Olive Road
4. Cannon Street and Via Escola Drive
Staff recommends the purchase and installation of Opticom EVP systems for the above signalized intersections. Continuing with the Opticom EVP system achieves consistency with existing signal infrastructure and maintenance efficiency, and DDL Traffic, Inc. is the only authorized vendor for the product. DDL Traffic, Inc. will also install the EVP system and provide any needed technical support. The scope of work includes the installation of the detection devices on existing signal poles or mast arms, running detector cables to the traffic signal controller, and installation of the GPS components in the traffic controller cabinets.
The total amount of the procurement and installation is not to exceed $47,500.
• Vicinity Map
• DDL Traffic, Inc. Quote
• Sole Source Letter from Global Traffic Technologies, LLC