File #: 25-0066    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Purchase Status: Passed
File created: 1/29/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action: 2/11/2025
Title: Authorize increase of blanket purchase order for OCLC, Inc. to purchase eBooks, eAudiobooks, and e-content services in the amount of $8,600 funded by Santiago Library System and Orange Public Library Foundation.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report

TO:                                          Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


THRU:                     Tom Kisela, City Manager                     


FROM:                     Leslie Hardy, Community & Library Services Director



1.                     Subject


Authorize increase of blanket purchase order for OCLC, Inc. to purchase eBooks, eAudiobooks, and e-content services in the amount of $8,600 funded by Santiago Library System and Orange Public Library Foundation.


2.                     Summary

Request to authorize a $8,600 increase to the blanket purchase order with OCLC, Inc. for eBooks, eAudiobooks, and e-content services.

3.                     Recommended Action


1.                     Approve the purchase order increase of $8,600 for eBooks, eAudiobooks, and e-content services from OCLC, Inc.

2.                     Authorize the City Manager to approve increases to the blanket purchase order should the Library receive donations designated for purchase of additional materials. 


4.                     Fiscal Impact

There is no direct fiscal impact to the City. The expense for the purchase order increase will be funded by revenue received from Santiago Library System and Orange Public Library Foundation.


5.                     Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 3: Enhance Public Communication Strategy and Quality of Life


6.                     Discussion and Background

The Orange Public Library Foundation recently donated $20,000 to meet Library needs, of which $5,000 is designated for cloudLibrary e-content from OCLC, Inc. This donation was approved and appropriated by City Council on January 28, 2025. The Library has also received $3,600 in disbursement funds from Santiago Library System. Currently, the Library has an open purchase order with OCLC, Inc. for $25,335. Adding $8,600 will increase the total of the OCLC purchase order amount to $33,935, requiring City Council approval.

OCLC, Inc. owns the e-content platform, cloudLibrary, which is the Library’s main platform to provide the public access to electronic books, audiobooks, and magazines. All Library content is currently contained within cloudLibrary, and the Library is also part of a consortium sharing content with other southern California libraries who participate in the program. The cost of titles in cloudLibrary is the same as other library e-content providers. The Library has established procedures that enable its staff to purchase materials and pay electronically and display all this content through the Library’s app and catalog. These procedures are fully integrated with existing library software.

7.                     ATTACHMENTS
