TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: Tom Kisela, City Manager
1. Subject
Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Citywide Strategic Plan Quarterly Update.
2. Summary
On November 26, 2024, the Orange City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Citywide Strategic Plan. To ensure progress and accountability, the adoption included a commitment to provide quarterly updates to the City Council and public. This is the first quarterly update since the Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Citywide Strategic Plan’s adoption.
3. Recommended Action
Receive and file an update on the Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Citywide Strategic Plan.
4. Fiscal Impact
5. Strategic Plan Goals
The quarterly updates support every goal detailed in the Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Citywide Strategic Plan.
6. Discussion and Background
In December 2023, the City of Orange began the process to update the Citywide Strategic Plan. The steps to update the Citywide Strategic Plan included the City Council participating in a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats exercise; City leadership meetings with Kelly Associates Management Group; and two community meetings. The updated Citywide Strategic Plan is a living document that sets out overarching Citywide goals and specific objectives to achieve these goals over the next five years.
The Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Citywide Strategic Plan (Plan) was adopted on November 26, 2024. The Plan’s adoption included a commitment to provide quarterly updates to the City Council and public. Provided below are the more significant developments with each update included in the attachment under the column entitled, “February 25 Update.”
• Flock Automated License Plate Readers have resulted in the recovery of 37 stolen vehicles and 53 arrests (Objective 1.2).
• Police Department sheltered 54 people experiencing homelessness (Objective 1.6).
• The City applied for the CalOptima Street Medicine Program (Objective 1.6).
• Fire/Emergency Management facilitated a request for proposal process and the City Council awarded a contract with Tandem Solutions, LLC to update the City’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (Objective 1.12).
• The Community Development Department went live with the permitting software and online platform (Objective 2.1).
• The Finance Department has made significant progress in updating the Citywide fee schedule and cost allocation study (Objective 2.6).
• The Finance Department completed the first draft of the financial management policies (Objective 2.9).
• Staff is working with the Orange County Executive Officer’s Office and the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission to determine the estimated costs to annex unincorporated Orange County areas into the City (Objective 3.10).
• The Human Resources Department hosted the Orange Supervisor’s Academy (Objective 4.5).
• Public Works continues to make progress with the Active Transportation Plan and expects to procure a consultant during or before Fiscal Year 2026 (Objective 5.6).
• Community Services is working with the Orange County Council of Governments to secure Brownfield grant funding to assist with the Grijalva Park Masterplan Update (Objective 5.11).
• Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Citywide Strategic Plan February 25 Update