File #: 25-0064    Version: 1
Type: TC New Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/28/2025 In control: City Traffic Commission
On agenda: 2/12/2025 Final action: 2/12/2025
Title: Time-limited parking on the west side of S. Citrus Street, south of W. Chapman Avenue, adjacent to the medical office building at 1010 W. Chapman Avenue and the associated parking lot to the south. Resolution TC 01-2025.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Letter of Request, 3. CTC Notification Letter, 4. Area Map & Site Sketch, 5. Resolution No. TC 01-2025

TO:                                          Chair and Members of the City Traffic Commission


THRU:                     Larry Tay, City Traffic Engineer                                          


FROM:                     Gabrielle Hayes, Principal Civil Engineer



1.                     Subject


Time-limited parking on the west side of S. Citrus Street, south of W. Chapman Avenue, adjacent to the medical office building at 1010 W. Chapman Avenue and the associated parking lot to the south. Resolution TC 01-2025.


2.                     Summary

A resident of Citrus Street is requesting one-hour time-limited parking on the west side of S. Citrus Street, south of W. Chapman Avenue, along the commercial frontages.

3.                     Recommended Action


1.                     Consider the installation of one-hour parking on the west side of S. Citrus Street, south of W. Chapman Avenue, adjacent to 1010 W. Chapman Avenue and associated parking lot.

2.                     Adopt Resolution TC 01-2025. A Resolution of the Traffic Commission of the City of Orange for the Establishment of 1-hour Time-Limited Parking on the West Side of S. Citrus Street, South of W. Chapman Avenue, adjacent to 1010 W. Chapman Avenue and associated parking lot to the south (Assessor Parcel Numbers 041-041-27 and 041-041-16).


4.                     Fiscal Impact

None. Implementation involves minimal staff time and minimal expenditures that have already been approved in the City’s operating budget.

5.                     Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 5: Improve Infrastructure, Mobility, and Technology

6.                     Discussion and Background

To reduce the volume of commercial trucks on the street, a resident of the 100 south block of Citrus Street has requested the establishment of 1-hour time-limited parking on the west side of the street, along the curbside fronting the commercial building and it’s associated parking lot on the southwest corner of the W. Chapman Avenue and S. Citrus Street intersection (addressed at 1010 W. Chapman Avenue).

The 100 south block of Citrus Street primarily supports residential uses, with the exception of commercial buildings and parking lot on both the southeast and southwest corners of Chapman Avenue and Citrus Street. The residential portions of the block are currently within Permit Parking Area “M”, while both sides of the street are unpermitted adjacent to the commercial frontages. These commercial buildings have on-site/off-street parking lots for their customers and clients. Additionally, the east side of S. Citrus Street, along the frontage adjacent to 940 W. Chapman Avenue, is currently 1-hour time-limited parking. Despite this, the demand for on-street parking in the subject area is high throughout the day along the west side of S. Citrus Street, adjacent to 1010 W. Chapman Avenue and the associated parking lot to the south.

Implementing time-limited parking along the commercial frontages of S. Citrus Street will also encourage curbside parking turnover, among other things, which may be desirable for nearby businesses. Staff recommends that the City Traffic Commission consider the request for 1-hour time-limited parking on the west side of S. Citrus Street, south of W. Chapman Avenue, along the curbside frontage of 1010 W. Chapman Avenue and the associated parking lot to the south.  To implement 1-hour parking will require the approval of Resolution No. TC 01-2025.

7.                     ATTACHMENTS

                     Letter of Request

                     Notification Letter

                     Area Map & Site Sketch

                     Resolution No. TC 01-2025