TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
THRU: Bonnie Hagan, Acting City Manager
FROM: Christopher Cash, Public Works Director
1. Subject
Approval of plans and specifications for Prospect & Spring Right Turn Lane Modification Project; authorization to advertise Bid No. 21-22.12, SP-4131; and appropriate funds from various expenditure accounts.
2. Summary
Plans and specifications have been completed and the Prospect & Spring Right Turn Lane Modification Project is ready to be advertised for bids. The total estimated construction cost including 15% for contingencies and construction engineering is $906,000.
3. Recommended Action
1. Approve plans and specifications and authorize advertising for bids for Prospect & Spring Right Turn Lane Modification Project.
2. Authorize the appropriation of $409,000 from Unreserved Fund (287) to 287.5011.56330.20458 Prospect & Spring Right Turn Lane Modification.
4. Fiscal Impact
The total expenditure for this contract is $906,000 and will be funded in “Prospect & Spring Right Turn Lane Modification” (PROJECT 20458) through TSIP Citywide (287).
5. Strategic Plan Goals
Goal 1: Provide for a safe community
b: Provide and maintain infrastructure necessary to ensure the safety of the public.
Goal 4: Provide outstanding public service
b: Provide facilities and services to meet customer expectations.
6. Discussion and Background
The Public Works Department has completed the preparation of plans and specifications for the Prospect & Spring Right Turn Lane Modification Project and is requesting authorization from the City Council to advertise and receive public bids.
This project will provide intersection improvements to the Prospect and Spring Streets entrance to Grijalva Park. The west leg of the intersection at Prospect and Spring Streets will be widened to add dedicated left and right turn lanes into and out of the park. The scope of work includes clearing and grubbing, removal and reconstruction a portion of concrete masonry block wall and rod iron fence, construction of new asphalt concrete pavement, sidewalks, access ramp, curb and gutter, traffic signal modification, restoration of landscape areas, irrigation line modification, street light and parking light relocation, and signing and striping. The project will also construct a missing sidewalk gap on the west side of Prospect Street between Spring Street and south of Carisbrooke, on the east side of Grijalva Park, to provide a continuous pathway for pedestrians.
This project not only improves the existing intersection alignment by reducing the offset in the east and west leg of the intersection, but also will help mitigate the congestion during special events by adding dedicated left and right turn lanes.
The total estimated construction cost is $906,000, including 15% for contingencies and construction engineering. Upon receipt of public bids, staff will return to the City Council and recommend any funding adjustments and award of contracts based on the outcome of the public bid.
The goal is to have the construction completed before the 3rd of July Celebration in 2022. Thus, the project is on an expedited schedule and is scheduled to be advertised for construction in late October 2021. However, the construction will not begin until end of April 2022 due to the procurement time for the new traffic signal poles. The project is expected to be completed within 45 calendar days.
The project is categorically exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities. This exemption applies to the operation, repair, maintenance, and minor alteration to existing public or private structures or facilities (including existing highways, streets, sidewalks, gutters, trails, and similar facilities), involving negligible or no expansion of the existing use. The proposed project falls within this exemption because it involves minor alteration to existing egress from a City park through the addition of left and right turn lanes at an existing signalized intersection in a developed area of the City. The modification provides for safer park exiting and does not modify traffic volume from the park. The project does not cause significant environmental impacts or trigger any of the “exceptions to exemptions” contained in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2. The CEQA Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder’s Office upon Council’s approval of the plans and specifications.
Plans, specifications and cost estimates are available for review in the Public Works Department.
• Location Map