File #: 25-0083    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Purchase Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/7/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Authorize purchase of second year maintenance of Assureon Trusted System and support from Complete Paperless Solutions, LLC as a single source vendor.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Complete Paperless Solutions, LLC quote

TO:                                          Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


THRU:                     Tom Kisela, City Manager                     


FROM:                     Steven Scardina, Information Technology Manager



1.                     Subject


Authorize purchase of second year maintenance of Assureon Trusted System and support from Complete Paperless Solutions, LLC as a single source vendor.


2.                     Summary

This authorization provides for the second year maintenance of the Assureon hardware, software, and support services.

3.                     Recommended Action


Approve the purchase of second year maintenance of Assureon Trusted System and support services from Complete Paperless Solutions, LLC for $34,926.00.


4.                     Fiscal Impact

The expense for this purchase is $34,926.00 and will be funded through Information Systems (780):

780.1601.53915.00000 Annual Software License & Maintenance

5.                     Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 5: Improve Infrastructure, Mobility, and Technology


6.                     Discussion and Background

On February 14, 2023, City Council approved an amendment to the agreement with Complete Paperless Solutions, LLC for a three-year term for Laserfiche document management support, and providing product updates and enhancements. On December 12, 2023, City Council approved a purchase to add Assureon Trustworthy Electronic Records technology to provide a trusted system component to the City’s document management system. As the incumbent support provider for document management, this procurement through Complete Paperless Solutions will provide for the second year of the trusted system platform. The Council has previously authorized licensing, services, and support from Complete Paperless Solutions, LLC and this single source purchase is a continuation of that policy.

7.                     ATTACHMENTS

                     Complete Paperless Solutions, LLC quote