File #: 25-0069    Version: 1
Type: Administrative Reports Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/29/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Amendments to Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Orange and the Orange City Fire Management Association, Executive Management and Senior Management employees' classification terms, and Citywide Pay Schedule in accordance with the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 2 Section 570.5. Resolution Nos. 11598, 11599, and 11600.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Resolution No. 11598, 3. Resolution No. 11599, 4. Resolution No. 11600
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

THRU: Tom Kisela, City Manager

FROM: Monica Espinoza, Human Resources Director

Amendments to Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Orange and the Orange City Fire Management Association, Executive Management and Senior Management employees' classification terms, and Citywide Pay Schedule in accordance with the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 2 Section 570.5. Resolution Nos. 11598, 11599, and 11600.
Resolution No. 11598 amends the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Orange and the Orange City Fire Management Association, incorporating the classifications of Senior Emergency Medical Services Manager and Emergency Medical Services Manager from the Senior Management Resolution into the Orange City Fire Management Association.
Resolution No. 11599 amends the Executive and Senior Management employees' terms by transferring the classifications of Senior Emergency Medical Services Manager and Emergency Medical Services Manager from the Senior Management Resolution into the Orange City Fire Management Association.
Resolution No. 11600 amends the Citywide Pay Schedule in accordance with the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 2 Section 570.5 to solely reflect bargaining group changes.

1. Adopt Resolution No. 11598. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange rescinding Resolution No. 11494 and all amendments thereto and approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Orange and the Orange City Fire Management Association concerning classification matters effective July 1, 2023, through and including June 30, 2026.
2. Adopt Resolution No. 11599. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange rescinding Resolution No. 11577 and all amendments thereto and approving provisions relating to the classification terms of employment of Executiv...

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