TO: Chair and Members of the Design Review Committee
THRU: Anna Pehoushek, Assistant Community Development Director
FROM: Kelly Ribuffo, Associate Planner
DRC No. 4933-17, Northern Gateway Commercial Center, 887 N. Glassell Street
Recommendation of approval to the Planning Commission
The applicant proposes to construct a new 1,872 square foot commercial building and relocate a 122 square foot historic gas station to the vacant property at the corner of N. Glassell Street and E. Collins Avenue.
Applicant/Owner: Leason Pomeroy III
Property Location: 887 N. Glassell Street
General Plan Designation: General Commercial (GC)
Zoning Classification: Limited Business (C-1)
Existing Development: Vacant Lot
Associated Application: Minor Site Plan Review No. 0929-17, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1864-17, Administrative Adjustment No. 0278-20
Previous DRC Project Review: September 2, 2020
The applicant proposes to construct a new 1,872 square foot commercial building and relocate a 122 square foot historic gas station to the vacant property located at 887 N. Glassell Street. Design features of the new commercial building include a flat parapet roof, stucco siding with minimal scoring details, and steel frame glass storefronts. The historic gas station would be oriented at the northwest corner of the property facing the intersection of N. Glassell Street and E. Collins Avenue, similar to its site position at its current location at 305 S. Main Street. Along with the gas station building, an associated light standard and pole sign would be relocated to the new site. A new monument sign and wall signs for the commercial building are also proposed as part of the plan. New landscaping is proposed throughout the site featuring London Plane trees.
The Committee previously reviewed this project at its September 2, 2020 regular meeting. The applicant ha...
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